Puffy Oven Pancake

Every Friday night is Brinner Night here in looney-dom.  Brinner, or breakfast-for-dinner, has been a Puffy Oven Pancake every time lately, because it is INCREDIBLE.

Sometimes I serve it with homemade berry smoothies.  Muffins work too, or fresh fruit and yogurt.  Lots of protein, lots of lip smacking.

(whole wheat version – more dense, less puffy, still yummy)

If you’re on a tight budget, this is one of those meals you’ll want to try both for its economy and for its ridiculously good taste.  You won’t feel like you’re on a meal plan.  You’ll feel like you’re at a mountain retreat.  Pour some coffee and relax.  🙂

This is my favorite part: I can melt the butter in a preheating oven, mix the batter, get it baking, rouse my children, dress and diaper them, and have breakfast ready for the table immediately when we’re done.  It’s AWESOME.

Less whining before a meal?  Yes please. 

Puffy Oven Pancake

Ingredients (These measurements will fill a 9×13 glass baking dish.  I’ve sometimes added an extra 1/2 of each measurement to fill a jumbo glass dish when we’re really hungry.  If you’re a household of two, cut the measurements in half.  That’s actually the original recipe, and fills a square 8×8 pan.)

butter: 4 TBS (margarine is okay)

eggs: 4

milk: 1 C.

flour: 1 C.

salt: 1/2 tsp.


Melt the butter in the pan of your choice in the oven as it preheats to 400°F.

Beat the eggs slightly with a wire whisk.  Beat in flour, milk, and salt, only until all the flour is moistened.  Overmixing will prevent the puffing of the puffy pancake.

Brush the melted butter over the bottom and sides of the dish.

Pour the batter into the dish and pop it in the oven.  Bake for 25-30 minutes or until puffy and deep golden brown.  Remove and serve immediately, topped with a sprink of confectioner’s sugar, some fresh fruit, homemade pear sauce, maple syrup, lemon juice, etc.  Your choice!

(cut up into mouth-watering pieces for my super-hungry toddler)


Really, the result is that no one will be able to resist the stuff.  You’ll be lucky if you have this much left over:

If you do have LO’s, they’ll reheat, especially in a toaster oven, beautifully.

Shown below, the Puffy Oven Pancake can be made in a cast iron skillet.  The bottom may come out a little thicker, but as usual, it boils down to your preference. 

I’m so glad I found this recipe and can share it with you.  It’s SO good.  And it’s blessedly filling too.

For a picture-free, easy-to-print version of this recipe, please click on the following link:


11 thoughts on “Puffy Oven Pancake

  1. I am sooo making this for dinner tonight! You’ve inspired the 36 week pregnant woman whose husband is out of town, and whose children have pneumonia, and who cannot speak because her throat hurts too much. THIS will make it ALL better!

    • Oh poor Charlyn! I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having such a tough week. I’m praying for you to feel better and hope the warm yummies help. 🙂 Congratulations on your baby to come. What a great gift God is giving you!

  2. I love making these… we’ve been calling it a German Pancake, but it’s the exact same thing. I like the name, “Puffy Oven Pancake” a lot better, so ours will have a new name! Also, I am madly in love with the idea of baking it in a cast iron skillet. I have been wanting to use my cast iron for baking in more, rather than just on the stove top, and I have been finding some great recipe’s lately for baking in it. Thank you!

    • You’re welcome! Hope you like it. I’m doing the same as you are – trying out everything under the sun in my cast iron. I LOVE it. I wonder if this is the same thing as a Dutch Baby… Have you heard of it?

    • Well, I looked it up on the ever popular Wikipedia machine, and it said Dutch Babies are German Pancakes are Puffy Oven Pancakes etc etc etc. Now I guess I have to pick which name I like the best.

      • Oh cool… I kind of like “Dutch Baby!” Cute. Wondering if it has something to do with using a Dutch Oven. I’ll have to try it in mine. It would be a lot thicker than it usually is in the baking pan I usually use for it.

      • Ooo, I just looked it up, too… I like the mini ones! So cool. Gonna have to try that, as well! =)

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