I’m Compassion. How Do You Do?

Yesterday we missed a wedding.  I’ve known the bride my whole life.

Granted, we were never close.

And we weren’t actually invited to the wedding.

But I picture it taking place in an apple grove, with some sort of ivy winding up and over a wrought iron arch.  A gorgeous Autumn ceremony.  The minister is just getting to the heartwarming stuff at the climax of his speech.

Suddenly all you can hear is








That’s Riley yelling “APPLE!” and waiting for someone to notice his brilliance in suggesting the name of the nearby fruit at the top of his lungs.  There he goes, scooting in between rows of guests, squealing and laughing.

Then there’s another noise, sort of quietly violent, as Riley’s mama starts losing her cookies.  Must have been a bad apple.  Someone catch that kid!  He’s getting too close to the bucket!  He’s getting too close to the bride!  He’s as curious as a cat and as fast as boiled Crisco!

I bet they wish they’d invited us.

The point is, I learned a lot in the last day or two.  I’m joking about the wedding.  Someone I know did get married, but my 1:30A.M. mind just thinks it would have been hilarious if our comical circus had showed up. 

You see, I never thought I’d be the parent with the rambunctious toddler.  MY children were going to stay perfectly in line. 

And I, not having actually thrown up in 16 years, never had much compassion for those who got stomach bugs.  It was more like, “Oh the poor thing.  Glad I didn’t get it…”

But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.  Psalm 86:15.  I posted that as my verse for the weekend, and funny thing – God’s been teaching me to have compassion – to sympathize with those who struggle or suffer.

After all, I was one of those rambunctious toddlers whose heart was good and happy and whose bum never hit the chair.

And now I was one of those poor souls hunched over the garbage can while my loving husband rubbed my back, and my parents whisked our children from the room.

Thank you, God, for your love and faithfulness – for getting me through and reminding me how much I need you.  Maybe I’ll have the chance to reach out to someone soon in compassion.

I feel like now I can say sincerely, “I know what you mean!  Let’s get through it together.”

T-h-a-n-k Y-o-u

This is the perfect day for writing a Thanksgiving Thursday post.  The whole point is that sometimes I get stuck in a muddled, me-first, grumbly mindset, and having to write a thankful post helps to shake me out of it.

Let’s just say that this afternoon I wasn’t feeling thankful at all.  Before we ate lunch, I started feeling nauseous and winded.  Lunch was late due to a midwife appointment, and I hadn’t stocked up on snacks to hold me over.  Tomorrow is shopping day, so I’m a little like Old Mother Hubbard who went to the cupboard and found it bare :-).  I think the lack of food and water was what set the whole thing off.

The entire afternoon became a physical battle – heart racing, unable to catch my breath, super tired, heart pounding and working ardously slow to catch back up, nausea, sour stomach…  Lots of fun!  I slept for an hour and woke up feeling about the same, only I could barely keep my eyes open.  My to-do list became the lemon juice in this open wound, as I realized that it was 4 pm and I hadn’t even cleared lunch off the table.

Soooooooooo.  Thanks for what?!

I have decided to write an acrostic thank you to God, using those letters.  If I start smiling and switch this mindset over, just maybe my body will follow.

Random photo to make me smile (and hopefully you too):

T – Turkey.  I’m a little desperate here!  But hey, there’s people all over the world who have nothing but beans and rice to eat all day.  I have meat in the fridge, and eventually I’ll be up to cooking it 🙂

H – Hollie, my younger sister, texted earlier today to see if I needed help with anything.  I said no, since I was doing great at the time.  But her thoughtfulness went a long way and it’s so nice to know there’s someone 15 minutes away who’s willing to help in a pinch.

A – Answers to prayer.  Last night Jon got recalled for next year, which just means that the school board informed him he has a job to go back to.  That takes a lot of stress off our minds, knowing we’re going to be provided for next year. 

N – New life!!!  The foot in my ribcage is a FOOT!  How incredible is that?!  There’s a pair of feet and hands in my belly.  And there’s a head, which, despite inflicting some significant downward pain today, will be out and resting on my lap soon enough.  I can hardly wait to meet this little boy.

K – Kimberly, my older sister, has given birth 4 times, and is familiar with this sort of thing.  Her understanding and witty text messages lifted me right up.  So glad she’s going to be part of the delivery team this time around!  What a great friend.

Y – Yard work!  It’s actually an incredible blessing to have a nice yard and lots of projects to do outside.  It keeps me and Jon active and gives us all kinds of fun things to plan.  There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes from looking at the simplest project you’ve been able to finish.

O – Options.  Every morning I can make up my own mind what I want to do with my time.  Which chores come first?  What will Riley wear?  Will we go anywhere today?  What’s for dinner?  I’m not locked into one way of doing things.  I’m not paralyzed, imprisoned, or ill.

U – Understanding hubby.  Jon’s springing for takeout tonight.  That alone brings a smile to my face.  Thanks, sweetie!

I feel better already.

“Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.  If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” Psalm 50:23

If you’re feeling a little down-in-the-dumps, give it a try.  He’s given us so much!